Massage Therapy
Every human is completely unique with bespoke needs.
Every journey is distinct.
Our massage therapists are licensed & qualified to practice customized modalities that will specifically serve your needs. Each practitioner brings their unique touch and specialized skills to the practice and all committed to being an integral part of your healing & wellness journey.

At Areté, treatment style is determined in discussion, collaboration, consent, discovery, and specific healing designed for your needs. Our highly skilled and experienced therapists know that no two people, injuries, situations are alike. They take time to learn your needs and create a customized approached to help you reach the desired outcome.
Some appointments may only get as far as the first of many steps while others may quickly open you to the relief and clarity you seek.
After your session, your therapist will recommend "next steps" to help you find relief from chronic pain, stress, or tips for general maintenance to live a pain free life.

Either way, your mind and body will find that this state is real, practicable, and fantastic.